Five Recommended Books for Nursing Home Administrators

Because today is a slow news day, here is a list of five recommended books on my bookshelf:

1. Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazi. This title focuses on making the most of your relationships without taking advantage of them. For someone who has trouble opening up to people, this is certainly a good read. Applicable especially if you are part of a "marketing heavy" corporation.

2. The Forbes Book of Business Quotations. A good quotation is a great way to end an inspirational email, insert into a speech, or to use as a message in a thank you card to an employee or family member. Forbes delivers here with an amazing compilation, and it really goes beyond it's title of "Business Quotations." Words of wisdom for everyone here.

3. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. This book has become very popular. How often do you wish you would have went with your gut? Gladwell insists it's the only way to go. A worthy read if you're looking for a new decision-making process.

4. Leadership, by Rudy Giulianni. What I found most interesting about the famous NYC Mayor's recount of his tenure during 9/11 was not the descriptions of his personal and professional heroics, but rather the concept of CompStat, which I know has an application in the long term care arena.

5. Nursing Home Federal Regulations, by James E. Allen. The same author of the Nursing Home Administration textbooks. Just published in October 2006. Make sure you have one on your bookshelf.

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