I Love Lucy

A surveyor visited our facility this week for a complaint survey to investigate behavior management. We felt confident in our actions related to this concern and managed our survey accordingly. The result was non-substantiation of the complaint as we anticipated. Bravo.

Here is the unsettling part: The resident involved in the investigation had a history of auditory hallucinations that physicians had diagnosed as malingering behavior. We had interventions in place related to this significant diagnosis, which included redirection when the resident would make repeated phone calls to staff. The surveyor, searching for a tag, and who has a history of questioning every diagnosis, outcome, and intervention that takes place on our campus, explained to our social worker:

“It’s been shown in the past that patients hearing radio and television signals may be picking them up through their dental work.” Dead silence…

The professional opinion of our on staff Medical Director and consultant psychiatrist has now officially been compared to an episode of I Love Lucy.

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