How Much is Fifty Dollars?

Fifty Dollars is a night on the town for a Department Leader that goes above and beyond.

Fifty Dollars is five-days of groceries for the single C.N.A.

Fifty Dollars is three of their favorite cds.

Fifty Dollars is a tank of gas (how sad) for an F150.

Fifty dollars is two new uniforms. Is that a lot? See above examples.

Fifty dollars would take my kids to the zoo this weekend.

Fifty dollars pays my water bill.

Fifty dollars would buy me ten energy-saving CFL Bulbs (Compact Florescent Light). That's enough to save me a couple grand over a lifetime.

Fifty dollars would be donated back to our organization's charity.

Fifty dollars in my pocket gives me a boost of confidence.

Fifty dollars doesn't seem like so much to spend on an employee anymore, does it?

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