OSHA Summary

I receive multiple visits to this site every week from people searching for https://idcf.bls.gov, the official site for the OSHA Summary Form submission. Although it's a past-due requirement (Feb. 1st is the date), I wanted to post again for a reminder and easy access. And remember, these documents are now all online and available to download.


It's that time of year. Someone at your facility has received the copy of the "Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illness, 2006." This twelve page document requires several actions:

1. Calculating total days affected by all injuries, both lost time and restriction
2. Estimating average number of employees for 2006
3. Estimating total hours worked by all employees; Instructions are given, and an estimate is acceptable. Don't make your payroll clerk spend 8 hours in a dimly lit room reviewing every payroll report.
4. Summarizing each case that involved lost time from work (not restrictions). This data is employee specific, but should already be found on the OSHA 300 Form that you completed at the time of the incident.

This document can either be mailed or completed online at https://idcf.bls.gov with the 12 digit Permanent User ID and the Temporary Password located and the front cover of the booklet.

Of equal importance is posting the OSHA 300A Log on February 1st. I have included two links below, one to the posting requirements and one to PDF copies of the forms:

OSHA Annual Summary Posting Requirements

OSHA 300 and 300A Forms

Good luck! I know these requirements are easy to overlook and sometimes difficult for our staff to understand, but if you use the OSHA website links above, it should be a breeze.

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